London Uroradiology

Booking Scans

Please use the Imaging Request & Booking form below.

LUR Imaging Request & Booking form

The LUR radiologists work at a number of different imaging facilities in Central London. They have a number of preferred facilities where the scanners have been optimised for Uroradiology scans.

For detailed information about the role of multi parametric MRI scans in diagnosing prostate cancer, what the gold standard is in terms of modern practice, and where you can receive the best quality scan and report, see the following links. Some of our Partners were involved in writing the Consensus Paper Appayya et al 2018 BJU International, which provides the latest guidance on the subject.

multi parametric MRI

gold standard practice

where to receive best practice

  • LUR

  • LUR

  • LUR

  • LUR

Service locations

Chenies Mews Imaging Centre, The Roger Williams Building, 69-75 Chenies Mews, London, WC1E 6HX
020 3887 0566

Medical Imaging London, 45 Queen Anne Street, London, W1G 9JF (3T scanner)
020 3519 8998

The Harley Street Diagnostic Clinic, 16 Devonshire Street, London, W1G 7AF (3T and 1.5T scanners)
0207 034 8145

Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth, 60 Grove End Road, London, NW8 9NH (3T scanner)
0207 806 4030 (Imaging Bookings)

The London Clinic, 20 Devonshire Place, London, W1G 6BW (1.5T scanners)
0207 935 4444

Princess Grace Hospital, 42-52 Nottingham Place, London, W1U 5NY (1.5T scanner)
0207 806 4030 (CT and MR Bookings)

The Harley Street Diagnostic Clinic, 16 Devonshire Street, London W1G 7AF
0207 034 8145 

Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth, 60 Grove End Road, London NW8 9NH
0207 806 4030 (Imaging Bookings)

King Edward VII Hospital, 5-10 Beaumont Street, London W1G 6AA
0207 467 4327 (Imaging Bookings)

The London Clinic, 20 Devonshire Place, London W1G 6BW
0207 935 4444

Princess Grace Hospital, 42-52 Nottingham Place, London W1U 5NY
0207 806 4030 (CT and MR Bookings)

The London Clinic
0207 935 4444

Princess Grace Hospital, 42-52 Nottingham Place, London W1U 5NY
0207 908 2000 (X Ray and Ultrasound Bookings)

The Harley Street Diagnostic Clinic, 16 Devonshire Street, London W1G 7AF
0207 034 8145 

Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth, 60 Grove End Road, London NW8 9NH
0207 806 4030 (Imaging Bookings)
Clinic Times: Wednesday 1800-2000

King Edward VII Hospital, Beaumont Street, London W1G….
0207 467 4327 (Imaging Bookings)

The London Clinic, 20 Devonshire Place, London W1G 6BW
0207 935 4444

Princess Grace Hospital, 42-52 Nottingham Place, London W1U 5NY
0207 908 2000 (X Ray and Ultrasound Bookings)